um blogue azul

Vários aspectos das suas vidas se associavam à cor azul. Para começar, o fumo denso que, como serpentes, subia dos seus cigarros para o tecto da divisão da casa. Depois, vários indícios foram lentamente emergindo, como bolhas de ar num denso molho em preparação. Primo, a melodia que A. escutava na telefonia. Secundo, o mostrador do relógio de pulso que T. acabava de estrear. Tertio, a face estupefacta de D. Na manhã seguinte as autoridades punham em curso uma nova investigação.



27 is the hardest year

Axl Rose dixit apud Prince.


A maior desilusão dos últimos tempos

 A Biografia de Philip Roth, escrita por Blake Bailey.


A melhor descoberta dos últimos anos


Orchestra Baobab. No activo desde 1970. Hei-de escrever um texto sobre esta orquestra quando estiver mais liberto de deveres familiares.


Memento mori

Up on the hill
in their little boxes
so many sons
just as many daughters 

Up on the hill
under their crosses
all of certain age
among ferns, mosses

Up on the hill
in neat close lines
no vote no color
no humor, assigns

Up on the hill
beyond the trees
without breathing
nor the songbirds

nor watching the bees

Up on the hill
clean of green growth
families leave flowers
this side of memory moat

Up on the hill
where the thrushes breed
those there grant us
one more day to live


For J., my dear dogmatic romantic friend, on his anniversary in 2021.

Apanhado das leituras que vão ficando


Leurs Enfants Après Eux, Nicholas Mathieu.

The Topeka School, Ben Lerner.

Leaving the Atocha Station, Ben Lerner.

The Line of Beauty, Alan Hollinghurst.

The Rings of Saturn, W. G. Sebald.

Léxico Familiar, Natália Ginzburg.

Luanda, Lisboa, Paraíso, Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida.

A Amiga Genial, Elena Ferrante.

En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule, Edouard Louis.

Tudo o resto:

The Boundless Sea: A Human History of the Oceans, David Abulafia.

The Twilight of Democracy, Anne Applebaum.

Putin's People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Turned on the West, Catherine Belton.

KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps, Nikolaus Wachsmann.

A Morte não é Prioritária - Biografia de Manoel de Oliveira, Paulo José Miranda.

Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism, Anne Case and Angus Deaton.

Guns, Germs and Steel, Jared Diamond.

Cebola Crua com Sal e Broa, Miguel Sousa Tavares

Rockanomics, Alan Krueger.

Open, A autobiografia de Andre Agassi.

Sete Breves Lições de Física, Carlo Rovelli.

Enlightnment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress, Steven Pinker.


True blue

Uma canção sobre aquelas antemanhãs em que regressamos a casa embriagados pela nossa (ou pela vossa) solidão?


Bad Jewish boy

If he had gone off solely to become a doctor, driven only by that high moral ardor, or, if he had just gone around impersonating a pornographer, spewing only that anarchic and alienating rage, he wouldn’t have been my man. He has two dominant modes: his mode of self-abnegation, and his fuck-’em mode. You want a bad Jewish boy, that’s what you’re going to get. 

Philip Roth, Paris Review Interview, Fall 1984.



The idea is to perceive your invention as a reality that can be understood as a dream. The idea is to turn flesh and blood into literary characters and literary characters into flesh and blood.

Philip Roth, Paris Review Interview, Fall 1984.


Goodbye to All That?

But history records that there is nothing so powerful as a fantasy whose time has come.

Tony Judt, in "Goodbye to All That? Leszek Kołakowski and the Marxist Legacy.", Reappraisals.